Stating that the present world could not be called “the world of Humanity”, His holiness stipulated: Today, there is no trace of humanity. A tyrant government has been established in the heart of Islamic territories, which has captivated ten thousands Palestinians, and deems its action rightful, but when two of its soldiers are captivated, they clamor everywhere.
His holiness condemned West’s support f r o m the unreasonable interests of Qods occupying regime and added: Logic is not ruling on the world any more and it has been replaced with force and coersion. Lebanese talk about exchange of captives, but Israel does not agree to free any captive, and even it attacks the critical resources of Lebanon. Its masters too ask for freeing the Israelite captives.
His holiness called the weak international associations and non-mobility of Islamic countries as two basic problems of the world and remarked: International Associations are so sleeping as if they have passed away! The United Nations and Security Council are not beneficial to the people around the world. They submit to the actions of tyrants.
His holiness reminded: There are more than one billion Moslems throughout the world. They shall unite to oppose against this crazy country. All are silent save a few. I hope the Moslem nations to rise, and make the Islamic governments to encounter with this issue powerfully. Otherwise, this tyrant regime will disturb all of them too.
At the end, appreciating resistance of Lebanese nation and Hezbollah, His holiness added: Hezbollah in Lebanon has succeeded to do actions during the recent days that no Arabic country could do during the six days war. They even failed to resist for six days. Today, a small population has stricken the Zionist regime with heavy blows: We pray God for their final victory. Moreover, the believers are authorized to spend one third of the blessed share of Imam (a.s.) for reconstruction of Lebanon.