The Events of Muharram 7th as Narrated by Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

The Events of Muharram 7th as Narrated by Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

The day ʿUbaydullah’s army cut the access of Imam Husayn (‘a)’s caravan to the water of Euphrates/ Imam Husayn (‘a) curses Abdullah ibn Ḥuṣain Azdi: “O’ Lord! Let him die of thirst!”/ Imam Husayn (‘a) curses the enemy army for their wickedness/ Muslem ibn ʿAwsajah j o i ns Imam Husayn (‘a) in Karbala.‌

The day ʿUbaydullah’s army cut the access of Imam Husayn (‘a)’s caravan to water of Euphrates

On Muharram 7th, 61 Ah., the army of ʿUbaydullah cut the access of Imam Husayn’s (‘a) caravan to the water of Euphrates, leaving the Imam, his companions, and all the women and children of the Ahl-al-Bayt (‘a) thirsty[1].

This was done according to ʿUbaydullah’s orders who had sent a directive to Umar ibn Saʿd, ordering him to prevent any water from reaching the caravan of the Imam so as to keep them all thirsty[2]![3]



Imam Husayn (‘a) curses Abdullah ibn Ḥuṣain Azdi: “O’ Lord! Let him die of thirst!”

After they had blocked the way to the Euphrates drinking place, a man from ʿUbaydullah’s army by the name of Abdullah ibn Ḥuṣain Azdi approached the caravan of the Imam and shouted: “O’ Husayn! Do you see the clear water of Euphrates glittering like the belly of the fish?! By Allah you will not drink from it until you die of thirst!”[4]

Offended by that man’s insolence, Imam Husayn (‘a) prayed: “O’ Lord! Let him die of thirst!”[5]

According to later historical accounts, this man suffered from a certain disease which caused extreme thirst; he was constantly thirsty, shouting for water, and moments after he had been given water to drink and was full, he cried for water again, saying: “Thirst is killing me! Give me water!” He suffered like this until he died[6].[7]


Imam Husayn (‘a) curses the enemy army for their wickedness

Due to the enemy’s atrocities and wicked conduct even toward women and children of the Ahl-al-Bayt (‘a), Imam Husayn (‘a) cursed them saying the following:

O’ Lord! Withhold rain from them and leave them in years after years of drought just like the drought that took place in the time of Joseph. And let the Thaqafī boy [i.e. Hajjāj ibn Yūsuf] rule over and tyrannize them, making them taste the bitterness of humiliation and abjection. And leave no one among them wholesome until they suffer a loss for every loss they have caused and a blow for every blow that they have dealt. And take vengeance on them, O’ Lord, for their killing me, my companions, and my family members, for they deceived us: they invited us here to help us, but then they denied us and left us alone[8].

O’ Lord! We put our trust in You and we will return to You; indeed to You is everyone’s return[9].


 Muslem ibn ʿAwsajah j o i ns Imam Husayn (‘a) in Karbala.

On Muharram 7th, 61 Ah., Muslem ibn ʿAwsajah j o i ned Imam Husayn (‘a) in Karbala. He was a brave man from Kūfah and was among those who had written letters to the Imam (‘a) inviting him to their city.[10]

Muslem left Kūfah after Ibn Ziad assumed power in Kūfah and murdered Muselm ibn ʿAqīl. He j o i ned the Imam in Karbala and remained loyal to him until his very last breath. [11]




[1] “Ashura: the roots, the motives, the events, and the implications”, p. 33.

[2] Zād al-Maʿād, p. 387.

[3] The New Mafātīḥ, p. 599.

[4] “Ashura: the roots, the motives, the events, and the implications”, p. 522.

[5] “Ashura: the roots, the motives, the events, and the implications”, p. 522.

[6] Al-Irshād, vol. 2, p. 86.

[7] “Ashura: the roots, the motives, the events, and the implications”, p. 523.

[8]  “Ashura: the roots, the motives, the events, and the implications”, p. 424.

[9] “Ashura: the roots, the motives, the events, and the implications”, p. 424.

[10] “Ashura: the roots, the motives, the events, and the implications”, p. 444.

[11] “Ashura: the roots, the motives, the events, and the implications”, p. 444.

