The launching of the noble book “Beacon of Guidance on the Heights of Eloquence”

The launching of the noble book “Beacon of Guidance on the Heights of Eloquence”, an English translation of the Nahj al-Balāghah and a commentary on it by Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

A Note on Ayyām al-Bīḍ [Spiritual Retreat]

A survey in to the lives of famous scientists, notable inventors, successful entrepreneurs, and influential politicians shows that many of them would spend a few days every year to refresh themselves spiritually.

Permission to Use the Sahm al-Imam ('a) (Imam’s Share of the Khums) for Helping the People of Lebanon

All the believers are authorized to use all of the Sahm al-Imam ('a) (Imam’s Share of the Khums) which is equal to half of their Khums dues, to aid the innocent people of Lebanon who have been injured in or otherwise affected by the war.

His eminance's message to the secretary general of the Hezbollah

The support that you give Islam and Muslims and your heroic resistance against the disbelievers and hypocrites is rather admirable and Allah’s promise “وَلَيَنْصُرَنَّ اللهُ مَنْ يَنْصُرُهُ” shall indeed come true about you, fighters in the way of Allah and the innocent and wronged people of Lebanon. Indeed, ultimate victory will be yours, God-willing, and this is something that the whole world shall see.

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi’s Message of Condolence following the Martyrdom of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran

He was a great example of a committed and responsible official and a devoted supporter of the Islamic revolution. His wise stances, taken based his inherent free-spirited attitude, were a source of pride and honor for the Muslim Ummah, and the respectable people of Iran and a large number of the oppressed people all around the world will never forget him or his services

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi's Letter to the Head of Hawzah Seminaries, Ayatollah A'rafi, With Respect to His Meeting With the Pope

I have been informed that you are about to travel to the Vatican for a meeting with his Excellency the Pope, so I deemed it necessary to make a few points in this regard:

Congratulations on the Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of the Imam Musa al-Kazim ('a)

The Imam assumed the divinely appointed position of Imamah in the year 148, when his father was martyred, making him the seventh Shiite Imam. He himself was martyred in either the year 183 Hijri or 186 Hijri.

His Eminence's message following the successful operation of the soldiers of Islam

The victorious operation of the soldiers of Islam in defense of the oppressed people of Gaza and in response to the Zionist regime’s attack on the consulate of the Islamic Republic of Iran has become a source of pride, honor and satisfaction for the Muslims all around the world

Congratulations on the Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of the Imam Husayn ('a)

The third Infallible Imam (‘a) was born on the 3rd of the month of Sha’ban, in the 4th year of Hijrī, in the holy city of Medina.

His Eminence’s Bi’thah Begins Work on Khordad 30th [June 20th, 2022] in the Holy City of Medina

The delegation of seminary teachers and researchers sent by Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi to set up his Bi'thah during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage will commence work on Monday Khordad 30th [Dhelqa'dah 20th, 1443 Ah.].

The Message of Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi to Ayatollah Sistani

The unfortunate accident which happened to you greatly worried all of those who care about you. However, we are happy to hear that your surgery has been successful and, God-willing, your recuperation from this surgery will be short and you will regain full health shortly.