The launching of the noble book “Beacon of Guidance on the Heights of Eloquence”, an English translation of the Nahj al-Balāghah and a commentary on it by Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi
It was mentioned previously that Imam al-Baqir (‘a) lived contemporaneously with 5 of the Umayyid caliphs. We will mention the particularities of each during their time of rule and their administration of the society. This will make evident the social and political conditions and circumstances which Imam al-Baqir (‘a) lived in during his life.
The month of Muharram which is a time to commemorate and mourn the martyrdom of Imam al-Husayn is one of the great treasures of not only the Shi’a world, but all of the Muslim world.
The delegation of seminary teachers and researchers sent by Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi to set up his Bi'thah during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage will commence work on Monday Khordad 30th [Dhelqa'dah 20th, 1443 Ah.].
The unfortunate accident which happened to you greatly worried all of those who care about you. However, we are happy to hear that your surgery has been successful and, God-willing, your recuperation from this surgery will be short and you will regain full health shortly.
Ṣafar 20th: the day of Arbaʿīn/Jābir ibn Abdullah al-Anṣārī: the first pilgrim of Imam Husayn’s tomb/The caravan of the Ahl-al-Bayt (ʿa) returns from Damascus to Karbala/ Arbaʿīn: the day when the heads of the martyrs were j o i ned with their bodies/A word about the time that the caravan of the Ahl-al-Bayt (ʿa) returned to Karbala based on the historical proofs.
Muharram 13th: The Lady Zeyhab (s) delivers the most crushing speech in Kūfah/The speech of Fatimah al-Ṣughrā (s) in Kūfah/The speech of Umme-Kulthūm (s) in Kūfah/The historic speech of Imam al-Sajjad (ʿa) in Kūfah/The captives of the Ahl-al-Bayt (ʿa) in the public meeting with ʿUbaydullah ibn Ziad/The Lady Zeynab’s crushing response to ʿUbaydullah ibn Ziad/Imam al--Sajjad (ʿa)’s crushing response to Ibn Ziad/The captives of the Ahl-al-Bayt (ʿa) in the prison of Kūfah/ʿUbaydullah ibn Ziad insults Imam Husayn (ʿa)’s severed head/The story of Imam Husayn (ʿa)’s severed head in Kūfah/What verses from the Quran did Imam Husayn (ʿa)’s severed head recite?/The news of Imam Husayn (ʿa)’s martyrdom reaches Medina and Damascus/The martyrdom of ʿAbdullah ibn ʿAfīf.
The burial of the martyrs of Karbala/The Bani-Asad clan bury the martyrs of Karbala: the presence of Imam al-Sajjad (ʿa) for the identification and burial of the martyrs/ The secret behind the hexagon design of Imam Husayn (ʿa)’s burial chamber/ How did Imam al-Sajjad (ʿa) manage to come back to Karbala to bury the martyrs despite being a captive at the time?/The Ahl-al-Bayt arrive to Kūfah/The martyrdom of Imam al-Sajjad (ʿa)
The dividing of the martyrs’ heads among the clans of Kūfah/The caravan of captives leaves Karbala/The names of the captives of the Prophet’s Ahl-al-Bayt (ʿa)/The caravan of captives passes the beheading site of Imam Husayn (ʿa)/Zeynab (ʿa) gives Imam al-Sajjad (ʿa) solace/The manner in which the women and children of the Ahl-al-Bayt (ʿa) were moved as captives.
Imam Husayn(‘a) chants prayers on Ashura morning/Imam Husayn(‘a)’s sermon on Ashuramorning/ Imam Husayn(‘a)’s heroic speech directed at the enemy army/Ḥurr ibn Yazid Riyāḥī regrets being against Imam Husayn(‘a) and comes to fight for the Imam/Battle Commences: a number of Imam Husayn(‘a)’s companions are killed in the first wave of the attacks/The martyrs of the first wave of the attacks on the day of Ashura/Single combats commence and Imam Husayn(‘a)’s companions are martyred one by one/Noontime and Imam Husayn(‘a)’s last prayer/The martyrdom of the last companions of the Imam/Imam Husayn(‘a)’s last stand and martyrdom/What happened after Imam Husayn(‘a)’s martyrdom/ Imam Husayn(‘a)’s weapons and clothes are plundered/The pillage of the camp/ The burning down of Imam Husayn(‘a)’s camp/The trampling of the martyrs’ bodies/Sending the sacred head of Imam Husayn(‘a) to Kūfah.
The arrival of Shimr in Karbala/Besieging Imam Husayn (‘a)’s camp in Karbala/Safe-conduct for Umm Al Banīn (‘a)’s sons/The mobilization of troops to begin the war/The speech of Imam Husayn (‘a) to his companions/Imam Husayn (‘a) advises the women of the Ahl-al-Bayt (‘a) to be patient in the face of calamities to come
ʿAmr, Imam Husayn (‘a)’s emissary/ Nāfeʿ ibn Hilāl accompanies Abbas ibn ʿAli to break through the enemies lines and fetch water from the Euphrates drinking place/Imam Husayn (‘a)’s last word of warning with Umar ibn Saʿd/Imam Husayn (‘a)’s remarks to Harthamah ibn Salīm
The day ʿUbaydullah’s army cut the access of Imam Husayn (‘a)’s caravan to the water of Euphrates/ Imam Husayn (‘a) curses Abdullah ibn Ḥuṣain Azdi: “O’ Lord! Let him die of thirst!”/ Imam Husayn (‘a) curses the enemy army for their wickedness/ Muslem ibn ʿAwsajah j o i ns Imam Husayn (‘a) in Karbala.
Ḥabīb ibn Muẓāhir calls the Bani-Asad clan to j o i n Imam Husayn('a)/ The Bani-Asad flag and fail in aiding Imam Husayn('a)/ Imam Husayn('a) sends a letter from Karbala to his brother, Muhammad ibn Ḥanafiyyah, and the rest of the Bani-Hāshem
The day Shabath ibn Ribʿī was sent to Karbala/ who was the “man of many faces” of Kūfah?/ The day Ḥuṣain ibn Numayr arrived in Karbala/ The day Ibn Ziad ordered his soldiers to prevent those who intended to j o i n Imam Husayn ('a) from going to Karbala/The man who sought a reward!
Imam Husayn ('a) narrates the story of prophet Yaḥya ('a)’s martyrdom/ Imam Husayn ('a) predicts his own martyrdom/the promise of the advent of Imam Mahdi ('a) who will avenge Imam Husayn ('a)/the arrival of Umar ibn Saʿd in Karbala/Umar ibn Saʿd’s letter to Ibn Ziad
The arrival of Imam Husayn ('a)’s caravan in Karbala/ Imam Husayn ('a)’s remarks upon his arrival in Karbala/ʿUbaydullah ibn Ziad learns about Imam Husayn ('a)’s arrival in Karbala/The Letter of ʿUbaydullah ibn Ziad to Imam Husayn ('a) on Muharram 2nd/ Imam Husayn ('a)’s crushing response to Ibn Ziad/ Imam Husayn ('a)’s uncompromising attitude toward injustice and its agents/ Imam Husayn ('a)’s letter to the people of Kūfah/ Imam Husayn ('a)’s last word of warning to the people of Kūfah
Muharram, a time of grief and sorrow for the Ahl-al-Bayt (‘a)/Muharram from the viewpoint of Imam Riḍa (‘a)/ The Imam camps at a lodging place called the “Palace of Bani-Muqātil”/ Imam Husayn (‘a) asking ʿUbaydullah ibn Ḥurr to j o i n and help him/ Imam Husayn’s (‘a) remarks to ʿUbaydullah ibn Ḥurr Juʿfī/ ibn Ḥurr: one of those who remained behind/ Imam Husayn (‘a)’s last ultimatum to all the people
The delegation of seminary teachers and researchers sent by Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi to set up his Bi'thah during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage will commence work on Thursday Mordad 11th [Dhelqa'dah 19th, 1439 Ah.].
Considering Telegram’s refusal to comply with the IRI internal laws, Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi has ordered all of the channels affiliated with his office to stop their activities in Telegram.
The website of the office of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, in collaboration with the Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization, has organized a campaign called #altruism_still_lives to invite all the people, who are mourning Imam Hussein’s ('a) martyrdom, to donate blood.