Statements by His holiness in the ceremonies for anniversary of destruction of Shrines of two Askari

On Tuesday evening in the ceremonies for anniversary of destruction of Shrines of Imam Hassan (a.s.) and Imam Hadi Askari (a.s.) in the shrine of Hazrat Fatemeh Maessoumeh (s.a.), His holiness expressed: Shiite and Sunnite Ulama shall be vigilant against the enemy’s plot.

Statements of His holiness at the beginning of Kharej lesson

At his Kharej Fiqh lesson, His holiness said: Provoking sectarian dissidences is an unforgivable sin.

Statements of His holiness at the beginning of Kharej Fiqh course

In his Kharej Fiqh course, His holiness warned against the new trick of adversaries of Islam through causing infighting amongst Moslems and said: The recent campaign to Iraq is aimed at this.

Statements of His holiness at the beginning of Kharej Fiqh lesson about public participation in the recent elections

At his Kharej Fiqh lesson, His holiness called the remarkable presence of people in the 24 Azar elections as an indication of defeat of activities of enemies of Islamic system and said: Our enemies who have ratified huge budgets for overthrowing Islamic Republic system have better to spend it for the black people who sleep in the streets of New York and other cities of Unites States at nights.

Statements of His holiness at the beginning of Kharej lesson for recent Fatwa of a group of Wahhabite Ulama

His holiness condemned issuance of order for slaughter of millions of Shiite by a small number of Wahhabite, and called the international associations to show reaction towards this oder.

Amendment by Office of His holiness regarding what is mentioned in some web sites about Jamarat (Stone throwing)

Some web sites had quoted f r o m His holiness about Jamarat which were somehow mistaken and wrong.

Dua ceremonies by His holiness for healing of Grand Ayatollah Tabrizi

Simultaneous with holding a Dua gathering for healing of Hazrat Ayatollah Tabrizi, one of the Maraj’, in Qom Azam mosque, His holiness dedicated a part of his course hours to Dua for his healing.

International Associations are so sleeping as if they have passed away!

Criticism of His holiness f r o m the international associations: Criticizing the international associations’ silence against crimes of Zionist regime, His holiness called for the solidarity and unity among Islamic world.On Wednesday at the beginning of his ethics lesson, His holiness expressed: Regretfully, some events are happening in Lebanon, occupied territories and Iraq which seem dreadful.

Statements of His Holiness at the Beginning of Kharej Fiqh Lesson

On Wednesday and in his Kharej lesson in Qom Aazam mosque, His holiness referred to the issue of the Holocaust and the turmoil and noises made by Zionist and West, and asked the Islamic and Western thinkers not to submit the westerns fusses when studying this event.

It is enemy

Yesterday, in a visit with authorities and deputies of political department of Guards Corps of Islamic Republic of Iran, His holiness said: The enemy’s current tactic is focused on the propagation and cultural attack. He added: The enemies have turned to creating propagation noises, and when the president utters some statements, they start making noises.

Statements of His holiness at the beginning of Kharej Fiqh lesson

On Wednesday and in Qom Great Mosque and at the beginning of his Kharej Fiqh lesson, Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi said: Constitution had specified the position of Wali Faqih and people’s opinion and decision, and we shall stop verbal disputes.

Statements of His holiness in the sermons of Feast of Sacrifice prayer

On Wednesday, in the sermons of Feast of Sacrifice prayer, His holiness called the political and social philosophy of Haj not specialized to the pilgrims of Mecca, but influential in the Islamic world

The important guidelines of His holiness addressing the eulogists and religious

His holiness said: Ashura is a valuable and great capital available for us, and any great capital has some pests, but it should be protected against the pests gradually aiming it. ‌

Lecture of His holiness in the gathering of Ashuraeian

Among the poems, eulogists of Prophet's Family (a.s.) and the authorities of religious Heyats of Qom province in the gathering of Ashuraeian, His holiness said: A group of people advocated revolution with the motive of gaining power, but Imam's resistance resulted in their escape. ‌

Raise public opinion against Israel

On Sunday and in Amiralmomenin school, His holiness, Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, called the Zionist regime as the most turbulent and oppressive government in the world and said: We shall raise the public opinion in the world against this illogic regime.‌

Reply of His holiness to the letter of esteemed Sunnit

In the name of God‌ Esteemed members of parliament‌

His Holiness's lecture on the anniversary of martyrdom of Hazrat Fatimeh (s.a.)

Expressing condolence for the martyrdom of the great lady in Islam, Hazrat Fatimeh (s.a.), Ayatullah Makarem Shirazi said: ‌ It is time to resort to the proximity to Imams (a.s.), but not only for solving the problems. Resorting to their proximity is what has been stated in the well-known tradition, where Imam Ja