Israel’s Attack on Syria exposed the devilish identity of Syrian rebels

Israel’s Attack on Syria exposed the devilish identity of Syrian rebels

This event proved that those who call themselves Free Syrian Army are in fact “Free Israeli Army”. Those governments calling themselves Friends of Syria are actually supporters of Israel. This became quite clear after this attack.‌

Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi in the beginning of his Fiqh course denounced the invasion of the usurper regime of Israel on Syria and stated: this invasion disclosed many things and it is now quite clear that the rebels who call themselves Free Syrian Army are in the same boat with the Israelis.


His eminence added: Now it is also clear to all that these reactionary Arab rulers as well as the governments of Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are working hand in hand with Israel. No international regulation or law justifies this demonic invasion.


He reproaching the silence governing international organizations remarked: then what for such organizations are formed in the first place. They are threatening us too. Based on what? This shows that there exists no rule in this world; it seems that the world is run again by the law of jungle.


“Different aspects of this issue should be clarified; for it revealed the real side of ongoing situation in Syria. These changes showed the world that the approach adopted by Islamic Republic of Iran is an Islamic humanistic approach. We hope that by Allah’s grace those who are still asleep wake up and stop damaging this Muslim Awakening.” his eminence added.


Keywords : Syria Israel