Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi in the beginning of his Fiqh course referring to the unIslamic conduct of the Saudi authorities towards the Shia and persecuting Shia scholars as well as prominent figures, warned them explicitly about the consequences of this misbehavior.
He denounced the recent misconduct of the Saudis towards Shias which led to arrest of twenty Shia scholar and renowned figures and continued: We have concrete news f r o m Saudi Arabia that recently the government fashioned a new conspiracy named “spy team arrest” through which they made it so hard for the Shia.
Saudis’ conspiracy against Shias
His eminence remarked: Saudi regime through this conspiracy and under the name of discovering “spy teams” detained some prominent Shias and even the attorney general demanded Shiekh Nemer’s execution who is one of renowned Shia scholars. Nonetheless, scholars along with university professors called this a conspiracy and condemned it.
He elaborating on the reasons behind such conducts of Saudis stated: Saudi government is now under pressure f r o m both inside and outside; it is under pressure f r o m inside by the reformist movement. People are now awakened and they insist on their definite rights including a democratic government.
It is also under pressure f r o m outside. We are witnessing the Islamic awakening along with the fall of dictators and tyrant regimes one after another. The Saudis have been defeated in other fields like Syria, Yemen and Bahrain as well. That is why they in order for diverting the public opinion started a new conspiracy. They claim that they have arrested a “spy team” and assert that Shia is the source of whatsoever problem they have.
The Shias in Arabia are not alone
“Saudi authorities must know that Shias are not alone in that country and if something happens to them, Muslims whether Shia or Sunnis will not remain silent. Do not even imagine that you can convict them in a sham trial and everything will end.” His eminence remarked
This prominent Marja’ touched upon the recent misbehavior of the Saudis towards the Iranian pilgrims. “This is not just at Jannatu Bqi’ anymore rather they inside the Masjid al-Nabawi do the same and insults Iranians specially the clergies.
This is against Islam as well as the international regulations; someone should ask these Saudis that “are not they the “Guests of Allah”? According to international laws also, the one given the visa of a country is considered as the guest of that country and his life, property and dignity must be preserved then how dare you insult the pilgrims!!!
Mecca and Medina is not your own property
His eminence continued: we have notified this fact that Mecca, Medina, Masjid al-Nabawi, Masjid al-Haram etc. are not your own property so you can do whatever you wish. They rather, belong to all Muslims around the globe. All Muslims except for the Wahhabis consider the Ziyarat of graves as a Mustahab and recommended act so they should be allowed to act in accordance with the Fatwa of their Ulama and their own school.
The necessity of formation a supervisory board for the sacred places in Saudi Arabia
He urged to the formation of a supervisory board resembling all Muslim countries which can manage the affairs of all sacred places in Saudi Arabia. He hoped that one day a board appointed by the Organization of Islamic Conference, resembles all Muslims for supervising the Two Holy Mosques in Mecca and Medina. “They belong to all Muslims therefore all Muslims should be involved in managing their affairs” His eminence argued.

His eminence"s explicit warning to the Ale Saud
Saudi authorities must know that Shias are not alone in that country and if something happens to them, Muslims -Shias and Sunnis - will not remain silent. Do not even imagine that you can convict them in a sham trial and everything ends.