The launching of the noble book “Beacon of Guidance on the Heights of Eloquence”, an English translation of the Nahj al-Balāghah and a commentary on it by Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi
The launching of the noble book “Beacon of Guidance on the Heights of Eloquence”, an English translation of the Nahj al-Balāghah and a commentary on it by Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi
That late virtuous scholar services to people in Pakistan were the source of numerous blessings for many years.
During his years of leading the resistance movement in Lebanon, the people of Lebanon and Palestine and the rest of the Muslim Ummah were indebted to him for his wise leadership in the fight against the atrocious Zionist enemy and they will never forget his sincerity and bravery
I believe that it is incumbent upon all Muslim scholars, from all Muslim schools of thought, to act in defense of the innocent people of Gaza and to force Muslim heads of state as well as other countries of the world, through their unity and with the support of the Muslim Ummah, to exert all-out pressure on the Zionist regime to end its barbaric invasion and siege of Gaza.
The support that you give Islam and Muslims and your heroic resistance against the disbelievers and hypocrites is rather admirable and Allah’s promise “وَلَيَنْصُرَنَّ اللهُ مَنْ يَنْصُرُهُ” shall indeed come true about you, fighters in the way of Allah and the innocent and wronged people of Lebanon. Indeed, ultimate victory will be yours, God-willing, and this is something that the whole world shall see.
The perpetrators of this heinous act of terrorism, who have the blood of innocent men, women, and children on their hands seek to sow insecurity in our country in order to compensate for the defeats that they have sustained.
One of the purposes behind sending divine Messengers has been the teaching of moral values. This is because the ultimate goal of all the prophets has been the moral training of mankind in a way that they would observe moral values in all arenas of their lives.
It is clear that both men and women have significant roles to play in developing and sustaining human societies, despite their physical and psychological differences.
The truly stunning operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance forces and youth was a deadly and irreparable blow to the Zionist regime. From a military and intelligence standpoint, this operation was such a fiasco for the Zionist regime that it will stay forever as a blot on its record.