Permission to Use the Sahm al-Imam ('a) (Imam’s Share of the Khums) for Helping the People of Lebanon

All the believers are authorized to use all of the Sahm al-Imam ('a) (Imam’s Share of the Khums) which is equal to half of their Khums dues, to aid the innocent people of Lebanon who have been injured in or otherwise affected by the war.

Does one need to pay Khums when changing their house or car?

Should we pay the khums when selling our house or car in order to buy new ones?

Khums of the profits earned during the last Months of the Year

Is it permissible to specify one independent year for every profit that is earned? If the answer is yes then why in another ruling it has been said that it is necessary to pay the khums of goods such as wheat, rice, etc. at the end of the year? Moreover, if the wheat and oat are bought in the last month of the year f r o m the profits of the same month then can they be used for twelve months after that without needing to pay khums on them?