This great scholar worked closely with other prominent Bahraini scholars to restore the inalienable rights of the Bahraini people and his efforts in this regard can never be forgotten
We strongly condemn this horrific crime and we have no doubt that these innocent bloods will be avenged. We also believe that this atrocity has been committed as an act of vengeance and to make up for the abject failure of the Saudis in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.
I have always been optimistic about you and so I hope that you will firmly stand up against this deviation. Such deviations can cause the al- Azhar to fall prey to the evil plots of the enemies of Islam and those of the Wahhabis and Takfiris. The Wahhabis and Takfiris seek only to spread divisiveness among Muslims and so I hope that you will stop them before they can carry out their evil plans and take you away from the path of moderation.
Recently some Vatican officials asked the Islamic scholars to express their opinions regarding the barbaric attacks by TakfiriISIL group against the Christians and other religious minorities in northern Iraq.
Despite all calamities the war on Gaza caused for the Muslim world and Humanity, it however, entailed a number positive out-turns; it, more than anytime, awakened the conscience of the world againstthe occupier Israel. This war also totally took away the trust the world had in international organizations and the claimers of human rights.
Undoubtedly the only way to protect the country from secession and to kick out the barbaric bloodthirsty enemy is to reach a national unity which of course is to be gained through sacrifice, self-restraint of all political parties and paying heed to their responsibility towards God in such critical moment.
A sympathy and passion has spread throughout the world against the aggressive, atrocious Israeli regime and in spite of the deadly silence of Israel’s supporters as well as some of the Arab leaders, the outreaching flood of protesting people against Israel, condemning the killing of the defenseless civilians.
We warn the Saudi officials that such extreme actions will seriously hurt the feelings of Shias all around the world and shall have negative consequences.
These Takfiri terrorists and their supporters must know that if needed millions of people from other countries will march towards Iraq, just like the way they do on the Commemoration of Arba‘in, and j o i n the Iraqi nation and will help the brave army of Iraq.
I urge international organizations as well as religious leaders all around the globe to denounce the recent terrorist attacks on Iraq and take a serious measure for stopping their supporters from backing them financially and logistically otherwise this fire will burn up the whole region and even will reach to the western countries.
Everyone is required to respect the days of the martyrdom of lady of Islam, Fatimah Zahra (as). Therefore, the days of the first as well the second Fatemiyyeh should be allotted to mourning ceremony.
The Takfiri Wahhabis today are the worst problem the Islamic world is suffering f r o m. These Takfiris deal heavy blow to Islam and Muslim’s reputation by their horrific acts. They are portraying a violent and barbaric image of Islam which is the religion of mercy and compassion.
This unexpected bloodshed showed the world that for terrorists there is no difference between Shia and Sunni, an Imam or anybody, else the House of Allah or elsewhere. They have no respect for Islam nor for humanity.
If, Allah forbid, these Wahhadi so called scholars issue a fatwa that going around Ka’bah and kissing Hajar al-Aswad is Shirk and a sort of idolatry and thus decide to demolish the House of Allah, do the Muslim scholars still remain silent?
I advise all of these dears not to violate laws, and not to engage in anything without the permission of revolution's leader and other officials. We must be very conscious and avoid giving excuse to them.
The Ashura of the year 1433 (A.H.) arrives magnificently and the pure blood of the Martyrs of Karbala boils again and the lovers of Imam Husayn’s teachings get ready more and more for observing this glorious and historical ceremony.
Do not forget this fact that these baseless libels and false accusation of infidelity against Shia Muslims would be greatly in favor of Israel and the United States, because such actions lead to Shia’s hatred toward Wahhabism
Sheikh Qarzawi supports the revolution in Egypt and the military action in Libya. But when it comes the turn of Bahrain, he directly supports the dictatorship. Is this duplicity proper for an Islamic scholar?
Justice, reasonable freedom, eradication of poverty and avoiding foreign interference in Muslim's matters, these are all from the certain principles of Islam and Quran.
The leaders of Islamic countries must know that the age of foreign dependence is over; they must serve their own nations and rely on their people, taking in to account that the outsiders cannot save them.
It is surprising! Although they see that such crimes do not affect the glory of mourning ceremonies for Imam Husayn (a.s.) at all and it is observed greater every year and such crimes make Shia more determined to continue their way, they are too silly to understand it.
The ceremonies and the processions of Imam Husain should be held more splendid than the previous years to annul the plots of enemies by magnifying these Islamic symbols.
The enemies of the Holy Quran be aware that not only they can't degrade the greatness of the Holy Quran by doing these shameful acts, but also it proves their brutality.
According to some reliable news, not only they promote separation of government from Islam but also some of them have insulted the high position of the leader of martyrs and his mournerss.
The conversant Muslims must oppose and push the international communities under pressure and pray during their prayers for salvation of the oppressed, exposed and innocent Shiites of Yemen f r o m the jaws of oppressors and cruel.
The importance of unity and solidarity is revealed when you know that the western countries suddenly realized that Islam and the Islamic culture are obstacles for their avarice after the collapse of former Soviet and becoming the world unipolar,. So, they are trying to defeat the Muslims and division among Muslims is the best way.
Our Islamic ceremonies and our rules and educations and Iranians do not let us to pollute the unity-making Friday prayers with disunity-making slogans. We will certainly disappoint the enemies and never let them to change our friendship to hatred and spoil the independence and magnificence of our country.
We strongly condemn this suppression and urge all Muslims of the world to demand in one voice that the Chinese government end this situation and punish the criminals.