Permission to Use the Sahm al-Imam ('a) (Imam’s Share of the Khums) for Helping the People of Lebanon

Permission to Use the Sahm al-Imam ('a) (Imam’s Share of the Khums) for Helping the People of Lebanon

All the believers are authorized to use all of the Sahm al-Imam ('a) (Imam’s Share of the Khums) which is equal to half of their Khums dues, to aid the innocent people of Lebanon who have been injured in or otherwise affected by the war.‌

In His Name Almighty

This is to inform all the believing men and women that, following a permission request submitted to Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi regarding spending a portion of the religious dues on aiding the innocent people of Lebanon who have been injured in or otherwise affected by the war, his eminence granted permission to all the believers to use all of the Sahm al-Imam ('a) (Imam’s Share of the Khums) which is equal to half of their Khums dues for that purpose.
