His eminance's message to the secretary general of the Hezbollah

His eminance's message to the secretary general of the Hezbollah

The support that you give Islam and Muslims and your heroic resistance against the disbelievers and hypocrites is rather admirable and Allah’s promise “وَلَيَنْصُرَنَّ اللهُ مَنْ يَنْصُرُهُ” shall indeed come true about you, fighters in the way of Allah and the innocent and wronged people of Lebanon. Indeed, ultimate victory will be yours, God-willing, and this is something that the whole world shall see.‌

In His Name Almighty


To the great mujahid and scholar, Hujjatoleslam Sayyid Hassan Nasrullah, the secretary general of the Hezbollah movement of Lebanon; may Allah protect you and grant you ever more success;


Greetings and Salaam,


I was greatly disturbed and saddened by the news of the vicious invasion of Lebanon by the wicked Zionist regime which led to the tragic martyrdom and massacre of a large number of innocent people including innocent women and children as well as a number of Lebanese elites, scholars, commanders, and soldiers. Following months of committing heinous atrocities and genocide in Gaza amid the dead silence of the international organizations and the so-called supporters of the human rights and freedom, the atrocious Zionist regime and its bloodthirsty and savage leaders are becoming more audacious day by day to commit even more crimes and are now planning to invade other sovereign nations.

The Muslim countries must know that if this wild fire is not extinguished and this wild dog is not put down, none of the Muslim countries will be protected against it and the entire world will be devastated by this malignant entity.

Indeed, this has been always the case that, when oppression and tyranny reach their peak, they draw ever closer to their end as Allah’s precedent for its annihilation will come to pass, God-willing.

The support that you give Islam and Muslims and your heroic resistance against the disbelievers and hypocrites is rather admirable and Allah’s promise “وَلَيَنْصُرَنَّ اللهُ مَنْ يَنْصُرُهُ” shall indeed come true about you, fighters in the way of Allah and the innocent and wronged people of Lebanon. Indeed, ultimate victory will be yours, God-willing, and this is something that the whole world shall see.

It is incumbent upon all Muslims and believers to adjure Allah by the sacred souls of the Infallibles and pray for the destruction of the oppressors and wrongdoers, and to give the resistance front any kind of aid that is possible for them.

I pray to Allah to grant you, dear Sayyid Hassan, good health and ever more success, and I pray to Him to grant all of the fighters of the resistance front success and the Muslim people glory.


May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you,


Naser Makarem Shirazi

Rabī̒ al-Awwal 21, 1446      
