Announcement of the publication of the book “The Birthplace of Terrorism” with more than 80  documents and pieces of evidence.

Announcement of the publication of the book “The Birthplace of Terrorism” with more than 80 documents and pieces of evidence.

Two teams of researchers in the Islamic Seminary School in Qum began investigating the roots of the evil and wicked phenomena of terrorism and Takfīrīsm. After much research it was proven through conclusive evidence that Takfīrīsm and other similar extremist ideologies have been born out of the Wahhabi ideology which has been developed and promoted by Saudi Arabia. The book in question has been published in the Farsi language and is currently being translated in to Arabic, English, and Urdu in order to be made available to all the people of the world.‌

In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful

Today, the greatest affliction of the world, namely Takfīrī terrorism, is threatening not only the Muslim countries, but the security of the entire world.

In order to fend off this threat, much military action has been taken which have, thank God, been successful to some extent. Similarly, some political and diplomatic efforts are being made towards ending this crisis, which we hope will yield positive results.

However, as long as the roots of this evil phenomenon are not destroyed none of the above-mentioned attempts will be able to completely eradicate it.

Recently, two teams of researchers in the Islamic Seminary School in Qum began investigating the roots of the evil and wicked phenomenon of Takfīrī terrorism. After much research it was proven through conclusive evidence that Takfīrīsm and other similar extremist ideologies have been born out of the Wahhabi ideology which has been developed and promoted by Saudi Arabia.

After months of research and investigation, a book entitled “The Birthplace of Terrorism” was edited and published with regard to this issue. This book contains more than 80 compelling and probative documents and pieces of evidence accompanied by their relevant analyses, which all indicate that Takfīrī terrorism has its roots in Saudi Arabia.  

The book in question has been published in the Farsi language and is currently being translated in to Arabic, English, and Urdu in order to be made available to all the people of the world. We recommend this book to anyone who sincerely believes that peace and security can be restored to the world only through the extermination of terrorism.

The Dār al-iʻlām Institute
Together with
 The Secretariat of the World Congress on Combatting the Extremist and Takfiri Movements


Keywords : Birthplace Terrorism