A Quick Overview on the Islamic Perspective on Mass Destruction Weapons

According to the verses of the Quran, traditions, as well as fatwas, it is safe to conclude that Islam takes wars to be military confrontations only between armed forces, hence the use of lethal weapons of mass destruction that indiscriminately kill large numbers of people is strictly prohibited.

We strongly condemn the atrocities committed against Shaykh Zakzaky and his family and we hold the Nigerian government accountable for them

Shaykh Zakzaky must be transferred to an Islamic country where he can receive proper medical treatment/Iranian government, particularly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, must seriously pursue this issue

The Statement of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi Concerning the Tragic Incidents in Kashmir: All Muslims Must Join Hands and Save Kashmir

We urge all the Muslims to quickly take actions to save their fellow Muslims from the Indian oppression, because anyone who is indifferent about this issue will be held accountable by Allah.

On the Occasion of International Youth Day Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi's Official Website Releases:

without young, active, expert, and capable human resources, no country can develop and grow in anything.

The International Affairs Division of Ayatollah Makarem Shiraz’s Office Offers Dear Brothers and Sisters the Informative Package of “Ramadan Spiritual Sustenance-27th”

The package includes the Daily ’Istiftā’, the Lamp of Guidance, Daily prayers of the Month with quick commentary and a word of wisdom