His eminence’s statement concerning the apprehension of Sheik Ali Salman

His eminence’s statement concerning the apprehension of Sheik Ali Salman

It was to our greatest sorrow to hear that Sheik Ali Salman has been apprehended by the Bahraini security forces. The rulers of Bahrain must be careful not to take actions that would further complicate the conditions in that country by the day.‌

It was to our greatest sorrow to hear that Sheik Ali Salman has been apprehended by the Bahraini security forces. The rulers of Bahrain must be careful not to take actions that would further complicate the conditions in that country by the day, and to enrage all the Shiites as well as all of the free men around the world.
Thus, it is essential that he be released at once and the people of Bahrain be granted their rights based on the principles of justice. 

God bless you and his bounties be upon you


برچسب ها : Sheik Ali Salman