Interpreting some hadiths in the beginning of his Fiqh course at A’dham Mosque, Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi touched upon the issues of suspicion and pessimism.
Referring to the lessons which could be caught f r o m those hadiths, his eminence reiterated that if we want people to be honest with us, we should first be honest with them. If we want to improve others, then we should start f r o m ourselves first. One should be benevolent and loyal to others and then expects others to be the same with him.
His eminence emphasizing on the fact that this could be a good lesson for us as well remarked: our enemies once in a while call for negotiation and a number of naive individuals say let’s negotiate with them, whereas they have already proved their strong hostility in numerous occasions; hence it will be a mistake if we believe them and count on their words.
“Even though it may conclude to the negotiation, yet being pessimist at this moment is quit natural due to the fact that our enemies have not been benevolent nor loyal to their promises thus far.”his eminence added.
Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi added: one may compile a comprehensive and complete set of books as to Islamic psychology in the light of the holy verses of the Quran alongside with the hadiths of the fourteen infallibles (‘a) especially the words of Imam Ali (‘a) in Nahj al-Balagha.
Elsewhere in his speech, he marked the second anniversary of the oppressed Bahraini’s uprising and said: two years back in such days the revolution of the Bahrainis began. They have given over one hundred martyrs and there are around 1600 people f r o m various layers of society including scholars, politicians, youngsters teenagers and women suffering in Ale Khalifa’s prisons which is of course a considerable number comparing to the Bahrain’s population .
His eminence referring to the fact that these people are captured in the hands of Khalifa regime remarked that: we are living in a strange world; in two different parts of the world which are not so far f r o m one another we observe two completely different behaviors f r o m the ones who falsely claim democracy and call for human rights.
“In Bahrain, Shia and Sunni brothers -who live peacefully together- are rising for their primo rights, however f r o m beyond their boundaries some governments of the region which are quite renowned for being the puppets of arrogant powers, send their troops there to crackdown Bahrainis.” His eminence highlighted.
He stressed that in Syria they send foreign forces in the country so that they create a fake and false revolution and more interestingly these are the ones again who crack down the revolution of Bahrainis and still speak of democracy and human rights.
His eminence denouncing the double standard exercised by the arrogant countries and “the callers for human rights” regarded the Khalifa regime as a minority who oppresses the majority and ended his speech by this sentence: these “Callers for human rights” send terrorists to Syria who do nothing but killing people, tearing the country down and trying to overthrow the government in there.

We have not yet observed any goodwill or loyalty f r o m the enemy
Even though it may conclude to the negotiation, yet being pessimist at this moment is quit natural due to the fact that our enemies have not been benevolent nor loyal to their promises thus far.